Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The Galeva API is organized around REST. The JSON requests and responses should be fairly intuitive and easy to use. Download the OpenAPI specification and import into to generate SDKs in your language of choice. Download the Postman Collection and import into Postman to test the Galeva API.
Login to your Galeva instance as a user. You will receive an accesstoken with which you will authenticate all other APIs.
Login with username and password
string | |
password | string |
Internal Server Error
{- "email": "",
- "firstname": "Peter",
- "lastname": "Joy",
- "role": "8",
- "assignedroles": [
- "8"
], - "dateformat": "DD-MON-YYYY",
- "accesstoken": "Gbd32z783i5j7bvTh",
- "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Logout from current user. Logging out from the app and the API are equivalent.
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Content-Type required | string application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Internal Server Error
{- "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Update the password of a user.
Content-Type required | string application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Updated password object
string | |
password | string |
newPassword | string |
Internal Server Error
{- "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Retrieve the definiton of an entity including attribute list and attribute parameters. Create entity definition in the app at
entity required | string Example: entity=CUSTOMER Entity Name |
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "entity": "CUSTOMER",
- "attributes": [
], - "definition": {
- "canBeNull": false,
- "dataType": "number",
- "unique": false,
- "idColumn": true
}, - "FIRSTNAME": {
- "canBeNull": false,
- "dataType": "string",
- "unique": false,
- "idColumn": false
}, - "LASTNAME": {
- "canBeNull": false,
- "dataType": "string",
- "unique": false,
- "idColumn": false
}, - "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Create a row in an entity.
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Create a row with values for every attribute in the entity.
entity | string |
row | object |
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "entity": "CUSTOMER",
- "row": {
- "firstname": "Mike",
- "lastname": "Johnson",
- "email": "",
- "address": [
- 35,
- 36
{- "statuscode": 201,
- "status": "Created",
- "message": "Success",
- "rowid": "56"
Retrieve values of a row from the specified attributes.
entity required | string Example: entity=ADDRESS Entity Name |
rowid required | integer Example: rowid=34 Row ID |
attributes required | string Example: attributes=* Attribute Names |
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "row": {
- "ADDRESS_ID": "34",
- "STREET": "3600 Scheffer Ave",
- "CITY": "St. Paul",
- "STATE": "MN",
- "ZIP": "55116"
}, - "entity": "ADDRESS",
- "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Update one or more values in a row.
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Update attribute values of a row to new values
entity | string |
rowid | integer |
row | object |
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "entity": "ADDRESS",
- "rowid": 34,
- "row": {
- "STREET": {
- "oldvalue": "3600 Scheffer Ave S",
- "newvalue": "4580 Fridley St"
}, - "CITY": {
- "oldvalue": "St. Paul",
- "newvalue": "Minneapolis"
}, - "ZIP": {
- "oldvalue": 55116,
- "newvalue": 55432
{- "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Delete a row.
entity required | string Example: entity=CUSTOMER Entity name |
rowid required | integer Example: rowid=23 Row ID |
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Execute complex database queries involving multiple entities, attributes, joins, and filters. Attribute type operators: 1. STRING =, <>, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN 2. NUMBER =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, IN, NOT IN, BETWEEN 3. DATE with formats DD, MON, DD-MON, DD-YYYY: =,<> 4. DATE with all other supported formats: =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, BETWEEN
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Enter column names, filter conditions, join conditions, and number of rows.
attributes | object |
filters | object |
join | Array of strings |
rowcount | integer |
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "attributes": {
], - "ADDRESS": [
- "CITY",
- "STATE",
- "ZIP"
}, - "filters": {
- "condition": "=",
- "value": "Mike"
}, - "LASTNAME": {
- "condition": "=",
- "value": "Johnson"
}, - "ADDRESS": {
- "STATE": {
- "condition": "=",
- "value": "MN"
}, - "join": [
- "inner",
], - "rowcount": 50
{- "rowcount": 2,
- "rows": [
- [
- "CITY",
- "STATE",
- "ZIP"
], - [
- "547",
- "Mike",
- "Johnson",
- "398",
- "3645 Scheffer Ave",
- "St. Paul",
- "MN",
- "55016"
], - [
- "832",
- "Mike",
- "Johnson",
- "701",
- "6312 Fridley St",
- "Minneapolis",
- "MN",
- "55432"
], - "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Execute database queries involving a single entity. Returns 20 rows at a time based on a filter against at most one attribute. Easily page through data by passing N (next) and P (previous) parameters. Attribute type operators: 1. STRING =, <>, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN 2. NUMBER =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, IN, NOT IN, BETWEEN 3. DATE with formats DD, MON, DD-MON, DD-YYYY: =,<> 4. DATE with all other supported formats: =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, BETWEEN
entity required | string Example: entity=CUSTOMER Entity name |
filter | string Example: filter=FIRSTNAME = Mike Filter conditions |
from required | integer Example: from=240 Row ID from which rows should be retrieved. F = First page. L = Last page. N35 = 20 rows after the 35th row. P43 = 20 rows prior to the 43rd row. |
header required | string Example: header=N Y = include entity definition. N = do not include entity definition. |
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "rows": [
- [
- "43",
- "Mike",
- "Johnson",
- ""
], - [
- "290",
- "Mike",
- "Warren",
- ""
], - [
- "413",
- "Mike",
- "Stockton",
- ""
], - [
- "420",
- "Mike",
- "Dogg",
- ""
], - "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Intended for batch processing large numbers of rows. Execute complex database queries involving multiple entities, attributes, joins, and filters. GET /rows/set will retrieve rows in batches. Attribute type operators: 1. STRING =, <>, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN 2. NUMBER =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, IN, NOT IN, BETWEEN 3. DATE with formats DD, MON, DD-MON, DD-YYYY: =,<> 4. DATE with all other supported formats: =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, BETWEEN
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Enter attribute names, filter conditions, join conditions, and number of rows.
attributes | object |
filters | object |
join | Array of strings |
Set Created
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "attributes": {
], - "ADDRESS": [
- "CITY",
- "STATE",
- "ZIP"
}, - "filters": {
- "ADDRESS": {
- "STATE": {
- "condition": "=",
- "value": "MN"
}, - "join": [
- "inner",
{- "rowcount": 32911,
- "dataId": 29348293847928376,
- "statuscode": 201,
- "status": "Created",
- "message": "Set Created. Pass dataId into GET /rows/set."
Retrieve the results of a created set.
batchsize required | string Example: batchsize=4 Batch size |
dataId required | integer Example: dataId=29348293847928376 dataId received as response to POST rows/set |
from required | string Example: from=2500 Position of the total set from which batch must be retrived. |
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "rows": [
- [
- "43",
- "Mike",
- "Johnson",
- ""
], - [
- "290",
- "Mike",
- "Warren",
- ""
], - [
- "413",
- "Mike",
- "Stockton",
- ""
], - [
- "420",
- "Mike",
- "Dogg",
- ""
], - "dataId": 29348293847928376,
- "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Execute an atomic transaction involving multiple operations that must all either succeed together or fail together.
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Enter each operation as objects. Allowed operations are create, update, delete, link, and unlink.
operation number | object |
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "1": {
- "operation": "create",
- "entity": "CUSTOMER",
- "row": {
- "FIRSTNAME": "Mike",
- "LASTNAME": "Johnson",
- "EMAIL": ""
}, - "2": {
- "operation": "update",
- "entity": "ADDRESS",
- "rowid": 34,
- "row": {
- "STREET": {
- "oldvalue": "3600 Scheffer Ave S",
- "newvalue": "4580 Fridley St"
}, - "CITY": {
- "oldvalue": "St. Paul",
- "newvalue": "Minneapolis"
}, - "ZIP": {
- "oldvalue": 55116,
- "newvalue": 55432
}, - "3": {
- "operation": "delete",
- "entity": "ADDRESS",
- "rowid": [
- 49,
- 50
}, - "4": {
- "operation": "link",
- "entity1": "CUSTOMER",
- "rowid1": 76,
- "entity2": "ORDERS",
- "rowids2": [
- 4564,
- 8786,
- 1323
}, - "5": {
- "operation": "unlink",
- "entity1": "CUSTOMER",
- "rowid1": 76,
- "entity2": "ORDERS",
- "rowids2": [
- 6786,
- 1934,
- 5874
{- "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Retrieve the definition of the relation between two entities. Relation definition is created in the app:
entity1 required | string Example: entity1=CUSTOMER Entity Name |
entity2 required | string Example: entity2=ADDRESS Entity Name |
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "entity1": "CUSTOMER",
- "entity2": "ADDRESS",
- "relation": "1:M",
- "unlinkAllowed": true,
- "mandatory": false,
- "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Link rows in either a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship. For a many-to-many relationship, create a one-to-many relationship in the reverse order.
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Provide entity names and row IDs.
entity1 | string |
rowid1 | integer |
entity2 | string |
rowid2 | Array of integers |
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "entity1": "CUSTOMER",
- "rowid1": 76,
- "entity2": "ORDERS",
- "rowids2": [
- 4564,
- 8786,
- 1323
{- "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"
Remove relations between different entities by unlinking rows.
Authorization required | string accesstoken |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Provide entity names and row IDs.
entity1 | string |
rowid1 | integer |
entity2 | string |
rowid2 | Array of integers |
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "entity1": "CUSTOMER",
- "rowid1": 76,
- "entity2": "ORDERS",
- "rowids2": [
- 6786,
- 1934,
- 5874
{- "statuscode": 200,
- "status": "OK",
- "message": "Success"